10 Tips To Lighten Your Skin Tone
Are you concerned about your uneven and dull skin tone? Not taking proper care of your skin can often lead to the loss of its natural tone. Other factors such as pollution, the quality of the water you use, your sleep schedule, and how you maintain your lifestyle can affect the colour of your complexion as well.
But, fear not, because in this blog we have covered 10 tips that you can use to lighten skin tone and restore its original beauty! So get rid of that layer of stubborn tan and embrace your real skin tone!
1. Drink Enough Fluids to Remain Hydrated
Drinking enough water has a huge impact on your body and especially on your skin. It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 litres of water every day. This guarantees brighter and healthier skin. It rids your body of toxins and makes sure that your skin remains hydrated. Hence, water is the key to a more vibrant and radiant skin tone!
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2. Protect Your Skin With Sunscreen
Exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun does severe harm to your skin and is one of the primary reasons behind a darkening skin tone. But you can work on reviving your skin tone by using an additional layer of protective sunscreen. Using sunglasses and scarves, and wearing long-sleeved clothes while out in the sun also helps in keeping the harmful radiations away from the skin.
3. Exercise Daily
We cannot deny the severe harm suffered by our skin due to environmental pollution. However, exercising and working out regularly can soon rejuvenate your skin to its original complexion. Regular working out enhances the circulation of blood in your body. This ensures that necessary nutrients are delivered to the skin and soon repair the damaged cells to revive your natural skin tone.
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4. Moisturize And Massage Your Skin Regularly
One of the most important tips to lighten skin tone is to prevent dry skin by making sure that it remains healthy and moisturized. So put your moisturizing lotions to use and get that vibrancy back in your skin! You can also make a moisturizing pack at home by mixing olive oil and honey and massaging it on your skin for a few minutes. Rinse it with warm water and be met with relaxed, lighter, and healthier skin.
5. Splash Cold Rose Water On Your Face
Rose water has immense positive effects on your skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce redness and swelling of the skin. Splashing your face with cold rose water daily not only makes you feel fresh, but it also washes away every pollutant to reveal a brighter and clearer complexion. Be it before getting ready for a party, or after a long day at the office, cold rose water can be of service at any time of the day!
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6. Get Adequate Rest
If your body is not getting enough rest, the exhaustion will show up on your face in the form of dull, lifeless skin and dark bags under your eyes. If you're working towards getting back your natural complexion, you need to practice a healthy sleep cycle and provide your body the rest it deserves. Sleeping improves blood circulation which reverses the damage and restores your healthy glowing skin.
7. Utilize Homemade Face Packs And Masks
Make use of everyday items at home to make face packs and masks lighten your skin tone naturally but effectively. You can mix aloe vera gel with honey and turmeric, which are proven to be good for your skin, to make a face pack right at home. The cooling effect of aloe vera not only relaxes you but rids your skin pores of toxins and dirt.
If you suffer from acne, you can lighten skin tone by mixing egg whites, lemon juice, and corn flour powder and make a face mask for striking results. Making face masks and packs at home also prevents harmful chemicals from causing more damage to your skin, and instead restores its smooth and refreshing look.
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8. Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly
You can follow every skincare regime, but you cannot prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells every day. If you neglect it for long, you can bid goodbye to your natural skin tone. Exfoliation is a must to rid your skin of dead cells. However, you have no need to worry because you can make an exfoliating pack at home itself. Mix rice powder with a little bit of coconut oil and you're set to improve your skin tone and restore its natural glow.
9. Expose Your Facial Skin to Steam
If you boil water with fresh lemon peels and expose your skin to its steam, it opens up the pores on your skin and clears off all the impurities. This deep cleansing method keeps your skin fresh and healthy, while the Vitamin C from the lemon peels restores your natural skin tone.
10. Apply Retinoid Creams
An acidic form of Vitamin A is used in the composition of Retinoid creams that effectively lightens skin tone and diminishes skin blemishes. On regular usage, retinoids have been proven to be effective against acne as well.
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You can learn how to lighten skin tone by making use of all these tips, but the main key is remaining consistent with these methods. Taking regular care of your skin will bring it back to its natural glow and lighter tone in no time!
Disclaimer: The information in this blog is completely based on the data that is available on the internet. But, it is highly recommended to consult a skin care professional before making any major changes to your skincare routine.
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